Dutch magazine by and for musicians Musicmaker gave us and our record “Kyon Nahin” a beautiful review and spotlight in their most recent edition.
Self indulgent fusion-cooking
In 2019 (edit: 2018) drummer Otto de Jong (Litzberg, Lorrainville, Ode to the Quiet) was traveling in India. There he met Sarita Rav, she was teaching at a cultural centre where he was studying tabla. The two must have thought “kyon nahin” (why not?) and started jamming. Sarita’s pure and passionate voice comes straight out of the Rajasthan desert and merges with Otto’s super dynamic jazz and indie inspired percussion.Most of the tracks are their own interpretations of traditional Indian songs and ragas, and often the only musical arrangement -besides vocals and drums- is a lonesome sitar drone (edit: tanpura). It may not be a surprise that this self indulgent piece of fusion-cooking won’t be everybody’s cup-of-tea. But when you close your eyes and open your mind, you’ll be carried away on eight arms into a fata morgana of music. A fantastic trip!